+ This is Vanna Stagnetti, mighty pirate.

+ Born on May 2, 1990, in Argentina, and making websites since 2003 (which explains a lot of things).

+ Spends most of her time DIYing and crafting, sometimes drawing and painting, and not doing as much flow arts and music as she would like.

+ Likes videogames, puzzles and amusement parks, blowing bubbles, coloring books, kandi, temporary tattoos, plush toys, puppets, collecting rocks and dead things, buying music instruments and never playing them, mythology, having lucid dreams, natural history museums, adventure movies and Disney villains.

+ Huge glue enthusiast. Strongly believes rubber bands are one of mankind's biggest achievements. Favorite a e s t h e t i c s are tribal art, steampunk, trippy psychedelic stuff, creepy circus stuff and pirates. Mainly pirates.

+ Used to have dreadlocks for five years but had to comb them out because of neck pain. Still misses them very much even though drying them up was a pain in the butt.

+ Says a lot of dumb crap.

+ Also loves the rain, moss, cacti and mushrooms, snails and moths and most invertebrates.

+ Likes Coke and booze a bit too much. Tea and coffee are great too. Used to love grape soda but can't find the brand she liked anymore.

+ Favorite foods: Cole crops, peas, lentils and everything kids are supposed to hate. Also pasta and popcorn.

+ Favorite music genres: Folk metal (and any folk/world music), 80s music, psychill, dark cabaret, villain songs and creepy music in minor key.

+ Favorite videogames: Tearaway, Myst, Minecraft.

+ Favorite movies: Tron Legacy, Labyrinth, Moana.

+ The Republic of Vannania is located on a middle-sized island in the Caribbean, somewhere between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. Its weather is always mild and rainy, full of exotic plants and snails (and pirates).

+ Its name is both a reference to "Republic of Tinselman", Robyn Miller's fictional country, and "República de Banania", a fictional country from a comedy sketch by Les Luthiers.

+ The Vannanian flag features a snail proudly waving the Vannanian flag. It's partly purple because purple used to be a very expensive color (and that's why there are no purple flags), but now it's on every kid's cheap-ass watercolor pallete. And partly green because I like green.

+ The Vannanian national flower is Brugmansia spp. Its official language is Spanglish and its currency is called "mango".

+ In the Republic of Vannania, all the plants and their by-products are legal, because criminalizing nature is fucking stupid.

+ All kinds of marriage are banned in the Republic. Orgies for everyone!

+ There's no such thing as politics in the Republic of Vannania, there's only one ruler (and it's me). But that's ok because everyone likes it.

+ Fun fact: The website's divider says "Republic of Vannania" in morse code ;)