Stalker (feat. @Naya__Queenzie)
Everything began with a song.
Some Jonathan Young cover of some popular song that you found on YouTube one day. He caught your attention from the very first moment; his green eyes, his fleshy lips, his deep voice. He was beautiful, and a great musician, there was no doubt about that.
A celebrity crush like any other, nothing wrong with that.
You watched all of his videos, the vlogs, the podcasts, the gameplays, the interviews and the live shows, even those that had been precariously recorded with a cell phone. It wasn’t enough, so you read all his Tumblr posts, his Facebook page, his Twitter account, and when you ran out of material, you got into the accounts of all his friends and family members. You found the music he recorded when he was 16, his graduation photos, and some mentions of him in some local newspapers.
Ok, maybe you were a little bit obsessed. But, who could judge you? Who could blame you for having feelings for someone you found so… fascinating? He was everything you’ve ever wanted in a man. He was charismatic, funny, intelligent, above all handsome, but what attracted you the most about him was his way of acting like a true villain; evil looked so good on him, that you could almost swear he was a real one.
Unfortunately, he was someone you could never have. Because he obviously didn’t even know you existed, and you didn’t want him to know you were stalking him throughout all social media, because he’d think you were weird and creepy and hate you.
And that would be terrible. However, as much as you tried, you couldn’t just get over it and forget about him. One video and a few tweets per week weren’t enough, you needed to get closer, to know more about him.
So you had an idea. A really, really bad idea. You knew about an extremely questionable website, that in exchange for some money would provide you with all the personal information about a person, including their phone number and address. Were you taking it too far? Probably, but you had no bad intentions. You didn’t want to do him any harm, you just wanted to see him. He wouldn’t even notice.
A couple days later, you received an eMail with all the long-awaited info. The next step was pretty simple: you grabbed your things, got into your car, and drove to the address that was given to you. When you arrived, you parked where no one could see you, but still couldn’t help but feel nervous; you weren’t so sure that going to his house was really a good idea, but you liked the concept of taking the risk of seeing him in person.
It seemed there was no turning back.
For the next few days, your “daily visits” became a routine. You parked far from his house, making sure he didn’t see you coming, you hid behind a shrub, or barely peeked out of the edge of the window, and waited, and watched. Your heart beat faster every time you saw him, so close and so far away at the same time, even prettier in real life than on camera. You looked at him in the living room, watching tv or playing videogames, occasionally going out to buy groceries. You were sure he didn’t see you spying on him. Well, more or less.
“Stop stalking me, you really think I didn’t notice?” You heard him mutter exasperatedly once as he walked out the door.
A cold shiver ran down your spine. You have been caught! You quickly looked around, but there was really nowhere to go, you were as hidden from view as possible and moving from your spot would not make you less visible. The only thing you could do was crouch down, hug your knees trying to occupy as little space as possible, and wait.
But in the end, nothing happened. He just continued on his way, got into his car and left, as if nothing ever happened. You were perplexed. Did you really hear correctly? Clearly that had to be a sign to leave everything behind, go home and never return. But there was a part of you that told you not to stop, and you didn’t want to stop. Why would you? You wanted to know more about him and what he did in his daily routine. Of course you wouldn’t pass this opportunity.
In other words, you ignored it and kept going, despite the warnings.
Of course, you had heard right, and as the days went by that was not the only time Jon vocalized his annoyance at his stalker's constant furtive visits. You simply tried to hide better every time, but besides that, you completely ignored him. And it’s just that so far, aside from the occasional “stop harassing me or I’ll make you regret it” muttered under his breath, he hadn’t tried to confront you or done anything to stop you (not even to put a restraining order against you), so you assumed that maybe it didn’t bother him that much. Otherwise, he would have at least closed the windows.
That day began like any other: you got ready to visit Jon, eager to know what he was doing, to see him again.
Except that day, you couldn’t find him anywhere.
How strange, you thought. In all the time you had followed him, he had never gone out at this hour. What was happening? You didn’t remember him mentioning any event or convention for the day. You decided to wait for him for a few more minutes; if he didn’t show up, you’d assume he got out before you arrived, and you’d go home disappointed.
For a moment, you had the temptation to enter his house and rummage through his stuff, but you held back. What if he was still inside, in some room you couldn’t see from the outside? What if he was sick? You double-checked every angle from where you could see the inside of the house. There was no sign of him anywhere and you were getting impatient.
You were too caught up in your own thoughts when suddenly, two strong arms held you from behind, immobilizing you while covering your face with a handkerchief. A sweet, citric smell invaded your senses, and you could barely struggle in vain before losing consciousness.
The last thing you heard was “I warned you, but you didn’t listen”.
You opened your eyes and immediately closed them again. You groaned and turned your face away from the bright, white light above you. You tried to move, but then you realized your arms and legs were tied up to a chair. You also tried to scream, but then you realized your lips were covered with duct tape.
“Great, just what I needed…” You said to yourself. “What trouble have I gotten myself into? Where the hell am I anyways?”
Suddenly, your memories came back to you; you were looking for Jon but couldn’t find him, and then someone out of nowhere grabbed you from behind, and then you fainted. The good old chloroform on a handkerchief trick.
You looked around and saw what seemed to be a recording studio. Wait a moment, could it be? You've seen this place before, but couldn’t remember where. It took you a couple of seconds to realize that you were at Jonathan Young’s home studio. You didn’t know if you should feel excited or worried; it’s true that you’ve always wanted to see his studio, but not in a situation like this, tied up to a chair and unable to move.
While still lost in your thoughts, you began to hear footsteps approaching you. Overcome by panic, you struggled uselessly against the ropes; you were really well tied to the chair.
A moment later you heard the distinctive sound of a door being open and then locked with a key. Oh no, you were done for.
“Well well well, what have we here? But if it’s nothing more than the girl who has been following me for weeks even though I clearly told her to stop, huh.” The owner of the footsteps moved closer until he was in front of you. A very angry Jonathan Young, dressed completely in black, with his hair tied in a ponytail. He looked so good like that, even though this was not the right time to have that kind of thoughts.
“Why don’t you introduce yourself like normal people, instead of hiding in the shadows and spying on me like a creepy stalker? Ah, true, you can’t speak.” He gestured at the duct tape covering your mouth. “Well, such a pity. You already know who I am. I guess that’s why you’re here, after all. You know how they say, “never meet your idols”? You never know when they might turn out to be kidnappers or psychopaths.”
And it was true, you weren’t expecting Jon to kidnap you, but also kinda understood his motivations; you were the one who harassed him and wouldn’t leave him alone despite the warnings in the first place. You couldn’t help but feel bad about it, you didn’t realize until then that you were invading his privacy. After all, Jon was just a regular person.
“Mmhh!! Mffh Mh!!” You tried to yell, but the tape got in the way. The ropes tying you to the chair had no intention of giving way either.
“What were you saying? I can’t hear you” He mocked you. “Wait a second…” And then he ripped the duct tape off your mouth in one pull.
“Aahh! Let me go! HELP! Someone help me, please!” You screamed as hard as you could. You felt like you were living a scene in a horror movie, a nightmare from which you couldn’t wake up.
“Yes, scream all you want, no one can hear you. This room has acoustic treatment.” He said, pointing at the panel-covered walls. “See? Anyways, I don’t wanna hurt you… much.” He smiled menacingly.
“Stop! I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bother you. I know what I did was wrong, but if you release me I promise that I’ll leave and never come back. I just wanted to see you, because I love you!” You admitted with tears in your eyes. After hearing that, Jon burst out laughing.
“Pft! Seriously, you love me? What would you even know about love?” You lowered your head in shame, but said nothing. “You don’t even know me! Do you think you know who I am just because you’ve seen me on a couple of YouTube videos? You know nothing about me.” He growled, baring his teeth. You shrank into the chair, suddenly very intimidated.
“You know what? I know exactly why you’re here. And, just to show you I’m not a bad person,” He knelt in front of you so he was at the same height, grabbed your knees and spread your legs as far as the restraints would allow him. “I’m gonna give you what you want.” He said as he slowly caressed the seam of your pants, just above your sex. “Maybe then you’ll finally leave me alone.”
“Wh-what are you going to do?” You asked in fear but he said nothing, not a single world. He just began to untie the ropes that held your legs, and then the ones around your torso. Then he lifted you from the chair.
“You’re really gonna let me go?” You thought a little incredulous. You knew he was mad at you, and didn’t expect him to release you so soon. But suddenly, you felt a hard pull on your hair, and then your face pressed against a cold wall.
“I think you aren’t comprehending the position that you’re in.” He blurted out as he tugged at the hem of your shirt up to your shoulders, exposing your breasts to the stale air of the room. He grabbed one of them and groped it without finesse. “I’m gonna do the best I can.” He whispered, making you shudder.
You couldn’t believe it, was this really going to happen? The logical part of your mind told you to fight, scream and try to escape. However… all of this looked a bit too much like your nightly fantasies, in which Jon took you by force like the villain he was supposed to be. Was there something wrong with you, having those dark desires? Anyone else would be mortified in your situation, yet you were getting turned on.
“Noo, please, release me… Let me go!” You struggled weakly, with no real intention of breaking free. Just to not give in to him so easily and keep some of your dignity.
“Oh shut up. You’re dying for me to stick it in you, and you know it.” He pulled down your pants along with your underwear in one go, and roughly pushed two of his fingers into your eager cunt. “Wow, we’re just getting started and you’re already sopping wet. Pathetic.” He sneered.
“A-ah!~ N-no, p-please stop!” You started to moan, begging him to stop, even though deep down you were enjoying the situation more than you should.
“I said shut up.” He shoved his fingers inside your mouth, letting you taste your own fluids. “I’m sick and tired of people like you, treating me like they have control over my life and telling me what to do. ‘hey Jon do my favorite song’, ‘no Jon do MY favorite song’.” He said with a mocking voice. “This time I’m gonna do whatever I want.”
For a moment he broke away from you. “Wait. I don’t wanna catch your germs.” You heard him manipulate a small plastic envelope, tearing off a piece with his teeth and spitting it on the floor. And then, the sound of a zipper being pulled down. That’s when you knew to buckle up for what was about to happen. A hot rod of flesh, much bigger, longer and thicker than his fingers pressed against your entrance. It was so frustrating to be facing away from him, unable to see him sliding inside you. “Can you feel it?” He whispered in your ear.
“Oh, sh-shit…” You moaned. Jon wasn’t going to wait for you to get accustomed to the pain, nor wanted you to enjoy it, he just wanted to rape you and hurt you until he was satisfied. He was really frustrated about pleasing his followers lately, having to sing their stupid little songs; just thinking about it made his blood boil. So he decided to take his anger out on you and started to pound you hard and deep.
“Ahh!~ S-stop, please. Mh!~ It hurts, you’re hurting me!” You kept moaning, still pretending you didn’t enjoy what he was doing to you. It was a dream come true, the way he talked down to you; the way he touched you, so cruel and bloodthirsty… God! It was driving you crazy.
“Ohh, I’m hurting you? Good.” He growled. “I was worried that… ahh… you were enjoying this a bit too much.” One hand tugged violently at your hair, pulling your head back so he could see your face better. “I know you’re enjoying this, you’re not fooling anyone. Mhh… Or maybe you’re just trying to fool yourself, to clear your dirty conscience? You’re sick.” A particularly fierce thrust made you squeal.
“Fuck, so tight…” His thrusts became more erratic and ruthless, seeking only his own pleasure, not caring if it caused you pain or not; until finally, with a guttural groan, he came. And he stopped.
You were still trying to impale yourself on his waning erection, moaning and momentarily forgetting your act. You were so lost in your own bliss it threw you off when Jon came out of you, took off his condom, tied it in a knot and threw it in a trash bin, beside the desk where he produced his music.
“What?? But I didn’t- mhhh mf mgghh!!” You couldn’t finish your sentence because Jon taped your mouth shut again. With a hand on top of your head he guided you until you were on your knees on the floor, and then binded your ankles together with the same tape so you couldn't walk away.
“Now be a good girl and keep quiet, I have stuff to do.” He patted your head like a dog and moved towards his desk, sat in front of his keyboard, put on his headphones and set out to work, leaving you lying on the floor barely a few meters away from him, with your hands tied, terribly unsatisfied.
You tried to call him, but the tape on your mouth made that task impossible; you could barely make some low noises. Jon just ignored you; that bastard made it clear when you tried to finish yourself by rubbing your pussy against your own ankles, and he, without even turning around, warned you “Don't even try to cum without my permission, or you’ll go to bed without dessert.”
You didn’t even know how much time you’d been tied up, one… two hours? The only thing you knew was that it had been too long since Jon left you kneeling on the floor while he worked. You loved to watch him work, how he played the keyboard, the way you wanted him to touch you like one of his instruments. But you were also mad at him for dumping you after using you for his own pleasure. You hadn’t forgiven him so easily.
After a while that seemed eternal, Jon finally got up from the chair, stretching like a cat. But without even turning around to look at you, he opened the door and left the room. For a moment you got worried; what if he just left you there locked up and left? Fortunately, a few minutes later he came back, drying his hands with a towel. He probably just went to the bathroom.
“Did you miss me? Because I sure did miss you.” He told you, with a lascivious smile, getting his half-hard dick out of the boundaries of his pants and stroking it a few times with one hand. He tore the tape off your mouth again, but before you could say a word he pulled your hair to bring your head closer to his crotch. You let out a little cry of surprise, and he took the opportunity to shove the entire length inside your mouth in one push. “Suck. Prepare me well and maybe I’ll consider rewarding you.”
Your immediate reaction to the sudden intrusion was to move backwards, but his unyielding hand holding your nape didn’t let you get away. His glans pressing against the back of your throat made you want to gag. He seemed to enjoy your struggle, his cock getting harder, his grip getting firmer, forcing you to take it deeper and deeper inside your mouth. You had no choice but to try to relax and let him do whatever he wanted with you.
“Ahh, yes, like that… mhh… I could get used to this. Keep it up and I would never want to let you go…” He moaned, slowly moving his hips, relaxing his grip on your head a bit after realizing that you were trying to move on your own in unison with his thrusts. Looking up you saw Jon with half-closed eyes, biting his lower lip in a pleasured expression and knew that you were causing this, feeling like you had a certain amount of control over the situation that in reality you didn’t.
After a few minutes, he left your mouth with the same suddenness he entered, breathing hard like he just ran a marathon. “Stop.” For a second you thought that maybe you did something wrong, but then he took another condom from his pocket. Then you knew what was coming next, this was getting better. Jon kneeled and removed the tape from your ankles again.
“Get up,” He said, grabbing you by your hair tighter, forcing you to stand up. After that, he took you by your thighs and slammed you against the desk. “Time to end this little game.” With those words, he took his dick and buried himself to the hilt inside you, making you scream in pleasure.
“Ahh!~ G-god, mmnn! Jon, p-please,” You tried to speak but you could, each thrust like a shot of ecstasy. You felt like you were high in the clouds and didn’t want to get down.
“Please what? You want me to stop? My dear, that’s not gonna happen.” He continued his hard and offbeat pounding. You were a bit uncomfortable in that position, lying over the desk with your hands tied behind your back your arms were starting to go numb; but you appreciated being face to face, able to see him as he ravaged you.
Jon had totally lost his temper. Deranged and with his hair a mess, you thought he looked prettier than ever; like admiring the majesty of a tiger just before being devoured. You couldn’t nor wanted to hold back your moans anymore, the façade had fallen. Now that you’ve tasted the forbidden fruit, you knew you couldn’t live without this anymore, or stand the thought of this being a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
And in that moment, he also forgot what his purpose was with all of this. Did he really want you to go away? The truth was that… he was becoming fond of you. You were good looking, you both clearly had things in common, and he liked your style; you stalked him and violated his privacy, he kidnapped you and violated your body. Guess that in the end, you weren’t all that different; both of you were completely out of your minds.
“Ah! Please! Don’t stop! Don't you dare stop! Dammit,” you moaned, almost pleading. You couldn’t stand this anymore, you wanted and needed more of him, you wanted him to fuck you so hard you couldn’t be able to walk in a week. Jon kept ramming against you without mercy or remorse, chasing his own climax.
“Shit… I’m gonna… I’m gonna c-'' You tried to warn, but a pair of warm lips stopped you from finishing your sentence, and drowned your last moan as you reached an orgasm as intense as long had been the time you’ve been aroused. You clung to him as best you could, considering your arms were still tied, deepening a kiss you never wanted to end. And Jon allowed himself to treat you with the warmth of a lover instead of his usual violence, before his last erratic thrusts pushed him to the edge, spilling himself inside the condom for the second time in the day.
He was angry, confused, furious; not so much at you, but at himself. What did just happen? He lowered his guard, he showed weakness. Unacceptable. He had no time for foolishness or distractions like feelings.
“Get out of my house,” he murmured, without even turning around to look at you. He couldn’t face you.
“Ehh… Jon?” You tried to speak to him, but you were nervous. Would he seriously let you go just like that, after what happened?
“I said. Get out. Of. My. House. Are you deaf or what?” He said annoyed, he was so frustrated he didn’t know what to do.
“It’s not that, it’s just… I’m still tied up,” you said while unsuccessfully trying to release yourself. Jon sighed heavily and turned you around to remove the ropes off your wrists reluctantly.
“Fix your clothes and go away,” he said while combing his hair with his fingers; he was disheveled and a bit sweaty, but still looking sexy as hell. You said nothing, just nodded without looking at him and fixed your clothes. You didn’t know if you should feel sad or relieved; he seemed really mad and probably didn’t want to see you ever again, but at least he was willing to let you go instead of… chaining you in the basement or something worse.
After that, Jon grabbed your arm and walked up the stairs towards the exit. You headed to your car without looking back, knowing this was (probably) the last time you’d see him in person. But he couldn't hold back; he realized his life was less dull since you showed up in his life, and now he couldn't be without you, even though he wasn’t going to show it. He had to keep his pride and never show weakness again.
“Hey!” He yelled at you, calling your attention. “If you come back, you know what’s gonna happen,” he continued with a serious tone. “And maybe, next time I won’t let you go.”
After hearing that, you couldn't suppress a smile. Did you hear right? Did he just imply the possibility of a next time? Would he take you again if you returned to his house? Would he claim you as his over again? Maybe it wasn’t the best idea, you were playing with fire… but it was a risk I wouldn't hesitate to take if that meant you would see him again. You turned around, smiled from ear to ear and asked:
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
Jon just laughed and answered, with his characteristic evil smile: “That'll depend on you.”
(Translated in May 31, 2024)
[Author's Notes: And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how fucked up people get their happy ending =)
This is a translation of a story written by my friend Naya and myself in Spanish on April 18, 2021. It was written back and forth over a shared document on Google Drive, some paragraphs are her's and some are mine, some were written by both. It... got a bit out of control but at least we had fun, and luckily we both had pretty much the same idea. We just hope Jon never reads it, haha. We added a lot of small references to Jon's videos, especially his villain song covers. Can you find them all? ;)]